[Deutsche Version unten][unbeauftragte Werbung, da Markennennung] Whenever I am stuck with a project I let it “repose” and get back to it a few days/weeks (month in the worst case) with a fresh mind. I the meantime, I turn to something with low to zero frustration potential, in 90% of the cases a pair of knitted socks. I love knitting socks. They’re dead useful (I always get cold feet and know quite a lot of people who do too), they’re quick to knit and they never go wrong. A real feel-good project.
A nice blog displaying nicely done pieces of hard work deserves some decent photos, don't you think? Until now I've always used my mobile phone to take them which has resulted in some really crappy pics with distorted colours that often enough were slightly out of focus. So now I've blown all my Christmas money and gotten a real camera. Obviously I have loads and loads to learn to make good use of it. Last weekend I've played around a bit and, well, you can see the difference even in my inexperienced shots. Luckily, Mochi the kitty is a very good and patient model. The WIP is Broken Seed Stitch Sock (by Hanna Leväniemi on Ravelry).
[Deutsche Version unten][unbeauftragte Werbung, da Markennennung] Many of us start into the new year with a lot of resolutions. I actually have "new year's resolutions" throughout the whole year, a big number of plans always. Most of them keep existing only in my mind. Some I carry out quite soon, others spend a lot of time on my to-do list until I find the courage (or defeat the laziness) to tackle them. I'm surely not alone with this, but often I am a bit sorry for all my beautiful ideas and goals...
Mit Nadeln kann man viele tolle Dinge anstellen. Es gibt Stricknadeln, Häkelnadeln, Nähnadeln, Stecknadeln, Sticknadeln, Tätowiernadeln, Tannennadeln, … Die meisten davon finde ich ziemlich spannend und nehme sie oft zur Hand. Lange habe ich mich mit dem Gedanken getragen, einen Blog anzufangen. Die Lust war grundsätzlich da, ein paar meiner „Abenteuer“
auch mal etwas ausführlicher darzustellen. Zeit für regelmäßige Updates? Ich werde mich bemühen. Willkommen also in meiner kleinen Welt. :) There are so many things you can do with needles: knitting, sewing, crocheting (in German at least, a crochet hook is also called a “needle”), pinning, pinching, tattooing, … I’m quite interested in most of these things and do them frequently (not the pinching, of course). If have been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time now. I’ve always been motivated to share my little adventures in the world of needles. Do I have time for regular updates? Well, I’ll do my best. So welcome to my world. :)